By participating in the UN Global Compact, we want to express our conviction in favour of a sustainable and fair economy.
Plastic will continue to play a central role as a modern packaging material in the future. However, customer needs are changing and differentiating. In the past, customers were primarily interested in low-cost availability. Although this will continue to be important, the group of customers who prioritise environmental protection, sustainability, social justice and regional production over price is also growing. This customer group consists primarily of start-ups and medium-sized companies. We are committed to them.
We are convinced that plastics can be produced and processed in a sustainable manner in the future and thus remain an essential part of our economy and represent a potential for growth and economic success.
With our Strategy 2030, we want to expand our position as a regionally active producer of modern and sustainable packaging solutions and become a powerful and growing partner for medium-sized, locally active manufacturers of cleaning products, cosmetics and food.
Our Strategy 2030 is based on three pillars:
Local – Sustainable – Economically fair
We are committed to a local and regional economy. We therefore want to produce close to our customers wherever economically feasible in order to avoid unnecessary transport routes and increase regional added value.
By 2030, we want to
- reduce our transport volume by 50%.
- produce all products at the location that is geographically closest to the main customer.
- Double the proportion of small and medium-sized customers.
We want to implement the switch to sustainable raw materials step by step. We aim to achieve this by using plastics made from renewable raw materials, utilising recycled raw materials and avoiding production waste.
By 2030, we want to
- Increase the proportion of recycled raw materials used to 50% of the plastic processed
- Quadruple the proportion of plastics made from renewable raw materials
- Reduce the reject and disposal rate by 80%
- Convert production at all sites exclusively to renewable energy
Economically fair
Stable financial strength and high productivity are the prerequisites for our success, which ensures our independence and our medium-sized structure. Based on our independence, we want to be a fair partner for our stakeholders, whom we actively involve in our corporate activities.
By 2030, we want to
- Further expanding our financial independence and strengthening our equity capital
- Establish a stable, functioning communication platform with our stakeholders
Compliance and sustainability are important to us
Do you have problems with our products or want to know more about recycling and correct disposal? Give us a call: +43176969640